The Dating Den

The 1-10 Scale of Women Hotness: Are Men Who Do it Jerks or Are They Just Men? with Chris Gillis



Marni and Chris take a look at the interactions between the contestants on reality show, Love is Blind, to decipher the ranking code men have for women. Should it be abolished? What even is it based on? And why do we allow men to rank us to begin with? As they navigate through the show’s hottest drama, the duo discusses whether there is such a thing as too much honesty; why men do the things they do; and how women should respond to certain behavior. They ponder whether women are indeed from Venus, and men from Mars. Spoiler alert: they are, respectively.    Takeaways from this episode: Down with the ranking system How much honesty is too much honesty? How to optimize what you have  The medium is the message Should you give stock to his intentions? What’s the open-casting approach?   The Open-casting Approach Should be a Lifestyle, Not a Trend [01:52] First things first. The title, open-casting should be abolished, but the approach itself stays. So, what is the open-casting approach? It’s what Life Check You