Attention Talk Radio

ADHD: The Pervasive Pronoun Problem



Got ADHD? Are you struggling to get things done? Do you experience challenges to your productivity? Do you need a plan? Structure? In this episode, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper ( illuminates one of the challenges of ADHD—that is, thinking more specifically about pronouns. Pronouns are often thinking shortcuts. "I need to do this, or I need to do that." Articulating exactly what it or that is can be effortful, which is why pronouns are a thinking shortcut. Often, when people want to make a plan or say they need structure, they can’t articulate, with specificity, exactly what that looks like. When you are looking for something and don’t know what it looks like, it is problematic. This show is for anyone who wants to gain insight into productivity challenges and work past them instead of continuing to run into the same glass wall. If you struggle with ADHD and are searching for a plan or structure, this is a show you won’t want to miss. Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for se