The Dating Den

How Dateable Are You? The Top 5 Relationship Mistakes Successful Women Are Making Right Now with Chris Gillis and Dr.Emily



Marni and Chris take a deep dive into the ups and downs of the relationships of the Bachelor Paradise’s contestants. Along with Dr.Emily, the trio contemplate the most prominent mistakes men and women make in relationships, and how their personality traits and behaviors affect their journey with their partners. While it may be a younger generation, we find that the traps the contestants fall into are very similar to the ones we still fall into, at any age, when out in the dating world.    Takeaways from this episode: Know your non-negotiables Emotionally Regulate Yourself Can you get rid of the ick?  Context is Everything Love is a verb, not just a word   Don’t Negotiate on Your Non-Negotiables [2:24]   The relationship between Kate and Logan is the epitome of what happens when you choose to date someone, who you know doesn’t tick off all the boxes on your check list. Marni points out, that rather than mistreating the “wrong” someone and putting them down, knowing your non-negotiables, will save you time, e