Leigh Martinuzzi

1065 Gillian Periera - The Business Pickle



The Business Pickle Are you a business leader or owner looking to do more good and have a great positive impact in the world. The Business Pickle are here to help. In this episode I speak with Gillian about how they are helping businesses have a more positive impact in what they do. An insightful conversation and one that may make business leaders and owners step back and assess how they are currently doing things. Enjoy! Guest bio. Gillian is the Lead Researcher at The Business Pickle, where they study how to use business as a force for good. They don’t have all the answers, but spend thousands of hours on in-depth research. They typically focus on three sticky problems for businesses: the complexity of corporate giving, the distortions in the food system creating mind-boggling waste, and the evolving challenges and opportunities of packaging products.