Pursue Your Spark

#125 10 Things To Do If You Are Struggling To Lose Weight



During quarantine, many of us have had major changes in our lifestyle, sometimes leading to changes in our body. Many people have gained what they call the “COVID-19” (pounds, that is) from the lack of exercise we aren’t getting as much now that we are indoors most of the time. Maybe you’ve experienced some weight gain too, and you’ve tried to get in shape again, but your old strategies seem not to be working like they used to. This can be extremely frustrating and dumbfounding! Alas, as we age, menopause can make it even more difficult for us as women to lose weight.  What you can do, however, is identify any other habits in your lifestyle that you could modify to have optimal results instead of continuing to struggle to lose weight. That’s exactly what I will help you do in this week’s episode! I’ll talk about the 10 most overlooked ways you could be hindering your weight loss progress and speak from my personal experience on how to resolve them. If you’d like to stop plateauing and get results in a healthy