Pursue Your Spark

#127 6 Ways to Optimize Your Health and Reduce Inflammation



We’ve all been there. You open your eyes in the morning, and the first thing you notice is how stiff and achy your body feels. It’s more pronounced than it ever has been at any time in your life, and you wonder if this is how it’s always going to be. Inflammation is an essential part of the body’s immune response, but it can be painful and irritating! Yes, as we get older, we are more prone to having inflammation. But, there are indeed ways to mitigate these effects and start feeling some relief. There are many different facets of our lives that affect how inflamed our bodies become. Your eating habits, sleep routine, and even stress can trigger inflammation in the body! In my podcast this week, I let you in on the 6 most helpful strategies that have helped me and my clients reduce inflammation and start feeling more rejuvenated overall if you want to learn how to start feeling less achy by applying techniques that can benefit you in all areas of your life, check out the episode! Click here to listen! Rating