Pursue Your Spark

#133 How to Start Meal Prepping in 5 Easy Steps



Have you ever felt overwhelmed with cooking for yourself (let alone a family) for three meals each day? Do you usually end up ordering take-out, or putting together something quick and unhealthy, only to feel disappointed that you fell off your nutrition plan again? If you can relate, this week’s podcast episode is for you! Meal prepping – a.k.a. making your meals ahead of time – gives you control over what goes in your food, which is perfect for anyone who wants to stay on track with their health goals.  I want to share the magic of meal prepping with you and how much it’s helped me keep on track with my nutrition and daily schedule. I no longer have to spend hours in the kitchen every day since I took the time to plan and prep ahead of time! The strategies I share are ideal for the empty nester lifestyle as well. Tune in to the Pursue Your Spark podcast this week to hear the 5 steps I recommend you take so you can start meal prepping ASAP and stop getting off track with your diet and spending endless hours