Pursue Your Spark

#134 THE HIDDEN POWER OF SLEEP/ Ft. Stella Loichot



In our society, we are so used to being on the go constantly. We are encouraged to pack each hour of our day with work, activities, and anything else that is productive. This can cause us to neglect aspects of our health integral to our overall well-being, including getting consistently restful sleep! You may have heard it a million times, but the quality of your sleep matters much more than you know. If you are not sleeping well or getting enough sleep regularly, you can completely de-rail other areas of your health. My guess on this week’s episode, Stella Loichot, noticed that no matter how hard she was working out and eating well while training for an upcoming Triathalon, she continued to gain weight – and it was not muscle! She couldn’t figure out what she was missing or doing wrong. That’s when she learned about the importance of high-quality sleep and realized she needed to adjust her bad sleeping habits. Stella Loichot (Lua-show) created a new sleeping pattern for herself and broke free from the viciou