Pursue Your Spark

#142 Change Your Story, Change Your Life /ft. Dr. Sharon Ufberg



After years of working towards a career, being married, and raising kids, Dr. Sharon Ufberg decided she needed a radical change in her life at 40 years old. So she stepped into the unknown and embarked on a journey that took her to New York City, in a much less comfortable but exciting lifestyle with so many possibilities around her. Sharon knew she only had one life to live and wanted to make the best of it by following her intuition and passions. Sharon knew this was the path she was destined to take because she had complete clarity about it. In addition, she had a consistent practice of tuning into her thoughts daily. Taking the time to listen to her inner desires gave her the courage to change her life for the better dramatically. Sharon says, “Your own inner wisdom can be heard if you just get quiet enough to listen.”  Dr. Sharon Ufberg is also a Radio Host, Writer, Biz Coach, Traveler, Foodie, and co-Founder of Borrowed Wisdom – a personal growth and wellness company. As a woman, and mother Sharon passi