Pursue Your Spark

#149 - We Are All Aging So Let’s End Ageism



Looking young and staying young is the message we are bombarded with all the time. We are often marketed to by someone or other that we need something to look younger, more toned, more fit, and perhaps like our younger self. A multi-million-dollar anti-aging industry promises to help older adults (like me) to feel young again - implying that there is something wrong with us looking and feeling the way we are. What's wrong with aging and the way we look?  It's time to create a new narrative in the second half of life. Instead of letting yourself believe that, "now I'm old," "I can't do that anymore," "I don't fit in anymore," change the narrative and instead create positivity around aging. In place of "I can't," start saying "yes, I can," even though it takes a little bit of work.  I firmly believe that we have to appreciate ourselves for what we've accomplished in our lives, giving ourselves that pat on the back! Aging is a normal rhythm of life. In today's episode, I share a story that might feel familiar to