Pursue Your Spark

#151 - 5 Important Intermittent Fasting Strategies For The Holidays



The time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s is the most challenging time of the year to stick to your hard-earned health and wellness goals. We are preparing meals that we don’t make any other time of the year, and you might be looking forward to the special stuffing your daughter-in-law makes or the pie that Aunt Jane will bring.  Are you taking a trip this year and celebrating Thanksgiving or Christmas or the holidays with your grown kids and their families? Or is everyone coming to your house to feast? The trouble is not the actual holidays. It’s the days between where we might think since we didn’t stick to our routine, it’s ok to blow the rest of the year and restart in January. But what about your intermittent fasting strategies during the holidays? Unfortunately, you might end up gaining 5 - 10 lbs during that time without even noticing. This year, don’t let that trip you’re taking be a guilt trip. The holidays are a time to enjoy your family, food, and having fun. Remember that intermittent fasting i