Pursue Your Spark

#175 - 5 Ways To Beat Recession Stress And Feel Healthier



I recently listened to a podcast about finance and a downturn in our economy, suggesting that a slowdown has already occurred for the past 6-months of our economy. As a result, gas prices are rising, the Federal Reserve is raising interest rates, food is getting more expensive, and we may see our nest egg shrinking when we look at our financial portfolios.  Are you feeling your heart racing at the thought of not having a nest egg? When you go to the grocery store and are unsure if you can make your weekly budget do you get sweaty palms? Or do you feel you have zero energy and want to spend your evening vegging out? Dealing with a job or financial uncertainty, diminished financial freedom, and more expenses that we had not planned for has an incredible impact on our health. Results in ueber stress: meaning we feel sad and hopeless, can’t sleep, can’t breathe, and are dealing with anxiety. You may have heard, "Your health is your wealth,” and “What do we have if we don’t have our health?”. Unfortunately, these