Talking Tesla

Episode 254: Tweet V. TooT v. Tesla



Robert and Joel an Ghostly Mel drop a show.Ford F-150 Lightning powers EV electric plane flight Zoomtopia 2022 - Zoom User ConferenceGiga Berlin application to build “Phase 2” plant, greatly increase plant size in 2023 - The Wolf Pack Berlin (YouTube) & @gigafactory_4,13.7902534,3a,75y,72.52h,65.32t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMi49Q3DCLJuGc6w3idJ5yw7F_66hh5pRxNUf1x!2e10!3e12!!7i8192!8i4096?hl=deTweet by Martin Viecha:For the first time ever, the Tesla IR program ranked #1 in the Institutional Investor survey in our segment - the largest survey of IR programs. Lame Bird is Freed - Amy Vanderpool