

Zlata Sushchik is a lifestyle coach, sports nutritionist and founder an online fitness coaching company called Sexyfit. She grew up in Moscow, Russia and moved to the US when she was 16. Throughout her career as a fitness competitor she was awarded top 5 placements at 26 shows in-cluding top 3 national titles. Her work has been featured in Muscular Development, Flex Magazine, Rx fitness and countless other publications. Sexyfit method has helped women lose over 6,500 pounds by providing virtual nutrition, fitness and accountability coaching to help you live a healthier, happier and sexier lifestyle. Zlata is known for her no nonsense, no BS approach to health and fitness. At Sexyfit, she is focused on creating a foundation for sustainable lifestyle to help you get in shape and most importantly create the habits to keep your sexy fit body. She resides in San Diego, enjoys long walks on the beach, caramel cupcakes and kale smoothies. She collects Nike shoes and is a member of four local gyms #FitGirlLife Sh