

Thankfully for my like-minded tribe, I had the honor to meet Ruby through Gabrielle Bernstein, earlier this year in New York City. Ruby Fremon is a coach, catalyst, and ignitor. She helps people radically boost self love so they can take back their power and create lives that make them ridiculously happy. Ruby empowers her clients to shift into the belief that they can have it all without sacrificing a damn thing. What makes Ruby a truly dynamic coach, is her ability to blend together practicality with spirituality while delivering her message in a loving, no-bullshit format. This fusion helps her clients create massive life shifts that stick. Let's cut straight to the point, just like Ruby’s happiness approach. Why beat around the bush, when the life you've always imagined is waiting on you? Quit pressing the snooze button. It’s time to rise and shine!! Ruby tells us how she took her life from self loathing, to nothing but self love. She hasn't always had the life we see now and she is more than willing t