

Do you find yourself traveling a lot? Maybe for work, maybe for pleasure, or maybe your everyday schedule has somehow just become more hectic. Well…join the club! Today’s quickie is to remind you how to sustain self care, even when times get crazy. In just a little over one month’s time, I have traveled to 5 different cities. Being someone who enjoys habit and daily routine, this tends to throw me off track and being off track can lead towards crappier food choices, less time for workouts/meditation and occasionally an extra cocktail or two. I’m all about the extra cocktail or two, don’t get me wrong, but creating and continuing self-care during chaos is extremely important. “I want to enjoy my life no matter what time it is. I don’t want to be waiting to be home, or waiting to be back in my routine, I want to be in the NOW!” Realizing the positive things that recharge you, is the best way to stay on track. Of course taking the easy way out would be well…easy, but thats not what we are here for. Nothing