

One of my favorite topics, yet one that I feel most of us forget about the fastest…self care. How could you possibly begin to love or care for others, without doing the same for yourself first?! “It is selfish to not care for yourself” Whatever story matches yours, maybe you're a Mom, a CEO looking after tons of employees, or a Nurse with long shifts, WHATEVER the case may be, it is vital to look after yourself just as much as you would any one else! So why the bad rep? Why is it “bad to be selfish?! NEWSFLASH…it’s not! In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, “Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you will be criticized anyways!” Starting now (because I am asking you to take a second for yourself,) answer the following questions: How do I show up the I don’t make time for myself? How do I show up when I don’t take care of my physical body and health? How do I show up when I don’t sleep? How do I show up when I don’t eat foods that make me feel healthy? How do I show up when I keep putting off th