

Preston Smiles, Personal Freedom Coach, is like nobody in the speaking or personal development world. Breaking all the rules, Preston is carving out his own path as an emerging Next Generation Thought Leader. He has been on the cover of Millennial Magazine with his wife Alexi and also won the Millennial Mentor Award by Elixir Magazine, and recently launched his book LOVE LOUDER- 33 Ways to Amplify Your Life (published by Simon and Schuster).  Preston is a force to be reckoned with. Generating millions of views with his message of LOVE, AUTHENTICITY and CREATIVITY, Preston Smiles is making a huge impact with his loyal social media tribe, using his unique gift to make complex ideas simple and relatable. Going through different stages, and feeling as if he has lived in many lifetimes, Preston shares with us how and why he began making it his life’s mission to preach LOVE. Growing up Dyslexic, in the 80’s, the public school system decided to place Preston in Special-Ed classes. Feeling as if he were less than o