

A leader in the Emergent Wisdom movement, Alexi Panos is on a mission to make personal development mainstream through her books, youtube channel, workshops, international speaking and working with her non profit, E.P.I.C. in Africa. She’s one of Origin Magazines TOP 100 CREATIVES CHANGING THE WORLD, and is a featured expert in the films THE ABUNDANCE FACTOR and RISEUP. She’s authored the books 50 WAYS TO YAY! and NOW OR NEVER, both by Simon & Schuster. Growing up with divorced parents, Alexi takes us back with her, to remembering the long 8 hour road trips she took often, in order to see her Mom. Being only eight years old, the hours seemed extra long and drawn out but she specifically remembers to the audible books her Mother would listen to, to stay awake on the drive. “I just wanted to listen to Madonna and dance in the car but my Mom always had on Mariann Williamson and Tony Robbins. I must admit, I kind-of secretly liked it.” Jumping forward to her teenage and young adult years, the memories of the au