The Dating Den

What Vulnerability Really Looks Like: Are These Mistakes Ruining Your Chances with a Great Guy? With Chris Gillis



Marni and Chris Gillis shine a light on the often hidden dating lessons from the latest episode of Bachelor in Paradise. This episode is a treasure trove of real-life riches for people who want a successful, long-term relationship.   Takeaways from this episode:   The difference between telling your sad tale and being vulnerable How to avoid activating your unmet childhood needs Be rejection-proof Don’t chase a man Be the person you want to attract   You Are More Than Your Trauma [3:40]   To dispel the common dating no-no of making a tragedy the basis of your connection, especially on the first date, BIP producers brought in a woman they thought would have something in common with Michael. The move made Marni physically cringe. The theory is that BIP producers really liked Michael A., who lost his wife four years ago to breast cancer, and in an effort to get him to stay on the show, they brought in Danielle. Danielle lost her husband to suicide eleven years ago. It is an unhealthy way to start a