Podcast Rodeo

Journey to $100 Million



Comments on Journey to $100 Million? 888-563-3228 Description Follow along as we take our digital marketing agency from $1M in sales in 2018 to $100M by 2030. Hosted by Erik Olson and Kevin Daisey, Founders of Array Digital, our podcast will chronicle the ups and downs, the wins and loses, and the tools and strategies employed along the journey to becoming a dominant player in the ever-changing digital marketing industry. Website https://journeyto100million.com (https://journeyto100million.com) Opinion All in all a good bite-sized chunk. You explain what the show is about and get right to the content. You deliver a strategy and explain how it's working. Any advice I have is nitpicking. You used the word "Camcorder" and I thought that made you sound a little dated. The only other thing I had was there is a slight buzz in the background of your audio, and an ever so slight "Popping P" trying to sneak through. Your audio could also be louder. Your audio is at -12 and that should be up around -6 to -3.  Anoth