The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Hollywood's Take On Women And Dating - MTP325



Co-Host Jonathon Aslay ( My guest is fellow dating coach Jonathon Aslay, who conveniently enough for the topic at hand lives in Beverly Hills, CA. He's a good guy, and a smart one too, but he and I disagree on whether or not Hollywood is any good at portraying male/female relationships. That much is evident right from the get-go, and you'll be able to see why right away...and draw your own conclusions. What is the clear pattern to which guys in movies get women and which don't? Why does the wrong guy sometimes get the girl anyway? How come we as men never seem to prefer watching the movies with the best examples of how we could improve with women? Why is it that Hollywood demands post-modern definitions of masculinity, femininity and human relationships from its constituents in real life, yet still freely portrays the primal realities on-screen? What are the differences in how male/female relationships were depicted in the past compared to nowadays? Did John Hughes get it