Leigh Martinuzzi

1054 Steve Sims - Go For Stupid! The Art of Achieving Ridiculous Goals



Go For Stupid! What would you achieve if you weren’t afraid of being laughed at? In the age of “gotcha” culture, people are terrified to do anything that might be laughed at. Steve Sims is the exact opposite. In my conversation with Steve, I discuss his newest book Go For Stupid: The Art of Achieving Ridiculous Goals. Steve talks about how to ignore what everyone else thinks and go for big, stupid, ridiculous goals. An inspiring conversation. I hope you enjoy it! Books by Steve below Guest Bio. Many speakers who claim to be “onions” – i.e. wrapped in mystical and magical layers of enigmatic meaning – have their metaphors mixed up, because they’re typically nothing but smoke and mirrors; get too close, and it’s all style and no substance. Steve ain’t no onion. What you see IS what you get. And what you see and get is a man who you’d probably avoid making eye contact within an alley — or anywhere else for that matter. After all, a shaved head, Harley Davidson garb and body piercings on a 5’ 11”, 240 lb. fr