Nerd Nuptial

Episode 039 - The Slutty Cowboy



Westworld Review and Quitting Walking DeadWestworld episodes 5 "Contrapasso" was released yesterday and the Nerd Nuptial team was there to watch it live. In this podcast we review the episode as well as discuss Westworld as a series overall. There's a lot of mystery and very few answers which is nothing new to Lost fans. However, like Lost, it is a lot of fun to talk about as well as speculate. Who is the Man in Black? Where will Delores' arc take us? Why does Teddy look so much like Cyclops? We discuss these things and a whole lot more on this week's Nerd Nuptial.We open the show with a frank discussion on why we're finally quitting The Walking Dead.What do you guys think of Westworld so far? Is it too clever for it's own good or right on track?