Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

“Stress Care is the New Health Care” with Michele Johnson



Did you know 77% of doctor’s visits are due to stress-related and stress-exacerbated illness? Our guest, Michele Johnson MHS, PA-C, is a Duke-trained Family Medicine Physician Assistant and Certified Professional Life Coach. She has traveled to Cuba and China to learn holistic approaches to medicine and healing in addition to her traditional Western medicine training. Known worldwide as The Pain Free PA and the author of ‘Pain Free: How to Live a Full Life Despite Chronic Pain,’ Michele shares with us her successful stress-reduction strategies and• Her personal inspirational and motivating story to a pain-free life,• How the simple act of listening is a significant part of helping someone heal,• How food, sleep, and other everyday strategies we can quickly implement will decrease dis-ease and so much more. More about our guest: Michele Johnson, MHS, PA-C, specializes in conquering stress. She is known for her unique approach to personalized healthcare and her trademark’ Stress Care as The New Healthcare.’ Aft