Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Mistletoe Therapy and Other Fascinating Discoveries in Cancer and Autoimmune Treatment with Dr. Nasha Winters



We welcome back Dr. Nasha Winters! Each time she comes to The Autoimmune Hour, we always have a fun and informative time. When I read Dr. Nasha’s latest co-authored book “Mistletoe and The Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology,” I asked her to come back on the show to share her insights on the latest in enhancing our immune system and the fascinating new approaches of care, including the clinical use of “plant-based supplements that stimulate the immune system’s own power — such as mistletoe…” Mistletoe, in nature, is a poison, as are other plants such as the Pacific yew tree that are now being tested and used in clinical formulations for the basis for specific treatments.We also chat about the latest in:• Where modern eating habits have gone wrong,• How to advocate for a more human-centered form of medical care,• Easy to do changes to create a robust immune system plus so much more...More About Our Guest: Dr. Nasha Winters, ND, FABNO, is a global healthcare authority and best-selling author in integrative