Washington Watch

Bob Good, Larry Taunton, Marc Marano, Mary Beth Waddell, David Closson



On today’s program: Bob Good, U.S. Representative for the 5th District of Virginia, reacts to President Joe Biden’s primetime address on “The Continued Battle for the Soul of America.” Larry Taunton, Executive Director of the Fixed Point Foundation, provides analysis and the proper context of President Biden’s address. Marc Marano, executive director and chief correspondent of ClimateDepot.com, offers his analysis of the California state government asking residents to avoid charging electric cars only days after announcing an upcoming ban on the sale of new gas-powered vehicles. Mary Beth Waddell, FRC's Director of Federal Affairs for Family and Religious Liberty, discusses the upcoming vote in the U.S. Senate of the so-called Respect for Marriage Act. David Closson, FRC’s Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview, breaks down how Christians should think about and respond to President Biden’s demeaning criticism of those who hold a biblical worldview.