Washington Watch

Stephen Moore, Mary Beth Waddell, Chuck Donovan, Jennifer Bauwens, David Closson



On today’s program: Stephen Moore, FreedomWorks Senior Economic Contributor, shares the latest news on the Senate reconciliation bill, reacts to the latest jobs report and sets the record straight on what a recession really is. Mary Beth Waddell, FRC's Director of Federal Affairs for Family and Religious Liberty, shares the latest on the so-called "Respect for Marriage" Act. Chuck Donovan, Charlotte Lozier Institute president, highlights what we can learn from the history of the pro-life movement as we move forward from the Kansas abortion amendment loss. Dr. Jennifer Bauwens, FRC’s Director of the Center for Family Studies, offers her analysis on a study that claims transgenderism isn’t a social contagion. David Closson, FRC's Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview, compares and contrasts how the Left is approaching the handling of monkeypox versus COVID.