
Rare Genetic Diseases with Kira Dineen From The DNA Today Podcast



Did you know that 1/10 people in the world have a genetic disorder? Today we are talking with Kira Dineen, who started podcasting in high school as a project. Ten years later, it is still going and has evolved, connecting Geneticists and people affected by rare diseases.  Most people live their life like any other normal human being. Still, a few are born with rare diseases that will impact them for the rest of their lives or, in some cases, will be with them for the rest of their lives.   We have had a few causes on the show that highlighted specific diseases. Still, as Kiri explains, the field of genetics is evolving every day. Therefore, her podcast has become a tool for her and the audience to stay updated on the community. Key Topics: ·     What impact in the world is DNA Today trying to get across (1:29) ·     What role did the podcast play in your master's program (3:15) ·     What were the driving factors that kept th