Group Talk - Small Group Network

INSIDE SADDLEBACK: What are the New Wineskins?



Guidelines for Getting Together For Saddleback Church Small Groups Gathering together in large groups is still in the future. The natural question at this stage of the COVID-19 crisis is, "Can we begin to gather in small groups?" Sadly, infections are currently increasing at a rapid rate. Our recommendation is that you will continue to meet online as your primary venue, whenever possible and appropriate.  However, we recognize the importance of face-to-face gatherings and the desire we all have to be in proximity with one another. So, if you decide to hold physical gatherings, please follow these guidelines: Check the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention and California Department of Public Health websites frequently for the most up-to-date safety guidelines and recommendations, as they are changing often.  ( ) For the safety of our communities, we suggest there should be no inside gatherings at this point in time. If gathering, we suggest meeting outdoors in groups