The Mentee Podcast

S5E24: The Power of an Exponential Mindset with Aaron Bare



Every business owner may wonder what differentiates a normal business from an extraordinary business. The answer: extraordinary business owners aim for the extraordinary and think big. Of course, every business growth is great, even when it happens in slow, linear increments. But why grow linear when you can grow exponentially? In this episode of The Mentee Podcast, Aaron Bare, strategic facilitator and bestselling author, shares his tips on creating an exponential and purposeful business. He discusses the power of flow and exponential habits to serve your business, purpose, wealth, and life. Here are some power takeaways from today's conversation: Always seek to innovate and stand out. Be present in the moment. Unlearn unhealthy programs to create a better future. Find your massive transformative purpose. Create a sustainable model. [11:47] Getting Into Your Flow Most people don’t grow at the rate they want because they equate success to fame. If you want to become exponential, don’t try to fit in. In doing