Leigh Martinuzzi

1037 Ron Baker - Bright Lights, Big Empty



Bright Lights, Big Empty IN THE EYES OF THE PUBLIC, RON BAKER HAD ALREADY BECOME AN INTERNATIONAL SUCCESS, performing over sixty lead roles in operas and Broadway shows around the world. However, on the inside, he felt empty and insecure. Something important was missing from his life. Then, a chance encounter on a bus changed everything. What follows is an epic saga of spiritual empowerment like no other and in this conversation Rob shares some of his wisdom. Enjoy! Guest Bio. Ron is the founder of a School of Self-Mastery who has already helped thousands of people open to surprising levels of fulfilment and purpose. He has inspired millions to come together for 15 worldwide events, led from sacred sites around the world. Whether teaching people to create profound intimacy in their lives or activating their 12 power centers for a direct connection to Soul…