Leigh Martinuzzi

1035 Jon Lieff - The Secret Language of Cells



The Secret Language of Cells Our cells are talking. Right now, both your inner and outer worlds are abuzz with chatter among living cells of every possible kind—from those in your body and brain to those in the environment around you. From electrical alerts to chemical codes, the greatest secret of modern biology, hiding in plain sight, is that all of life's activity boils down to one thing: conversation. Jon explains very simply how our cells are all interconnected, how they communicate and why it's so important for the mind, body and spirit. A wonderful conversation. Enjoy! Connect with Jon here. Guest Bio. Dr. Jon Lieff is a neuropsychiatrist with a BA from Yale University and an MD from Harvard Medical School. Known as an innovator in several branches of psychiatry, he pioneered the development of integrated treatment programs for elderly, medically ill, and brain-injured patients, combining medical, psychiatric, and neurological treatment. He was president of the American Association for Geriatric Psy