St. Joseph Health, Home Care Services

Holy Week Blessing 2022



Minister Jan Richardson offers these insights. A blessing is not complete until we let it do its work within us and then pass it along, an offering grounded in the love that Jesus goes on to speak of this night. Yet we cannot do this—as the disciples could not do this—until we first allow ourselves to simply receive the blessing as it is offered: as gift, as promise, as sign of a world made whole.” (Jan Richardson) To Receive a Blessing Have you ever noticed that it is much easier to give a gift than to receive one? “Sometimes it can be daunting to receive a blessing because it requires something of us. It does not leave us unchanged. A blessing offers us a glimpse of the wholeness that God desires for us and for the world, and it beckons us to move in the direction of this wholeness. It calls us to let go of what hinders us, to cease clinging to the habits and ways of being that may have become comfortable but that keep us less than whole. This can take some work. How might God be calling you to find comm