The Mentee Podcast

S5E14: How to Go From Military to Millionaire



Are you building your wealth towards a financially secure future?  Everybody wants financial stability, but certain factors and even personal decisions can lead you to make choices you’ll regret. The “YOLO” life can be tempting. You might want to invest your money wisely but just don’t know how — don’t let these things stop you from becoming the millionaire you can be. Here at The Mentee Podcast, we know that handling your finances wisely is easier said than done. So we’re relaunching an episode with David Pere, founder of the Military Millionaire Community, where he talks about his journey in building wealth and success — and how you can too. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Spend your money wisely  Put a percentage of your paycheck into a bond account Be consistent with your content and brand Learn to leverage VA loans Start contributing to your 401(k) Fix your credit and purchase a property using a VA loan Episode Highlights: [05:05] Spend Wisely The first secret to getti