

Today on  WWRadio I’m thrilled to have holistic health coach and women’s health expert Nicole Jardim. Listen to our  conversation where we cover  everything including acne,  birth control, hormonal health, fertility and healthy periods. Her knowledge is vast and she provides so many concrete tips for how to handle women’s health issues. Nicole is way cool & you will love her as much as I do! WWRadio is on iTunes! yay! My favorite lines & nuggets from this interview: _“Our menstrual cycles are very powerful & I don’t think we’re told that & I don’t think we realize it.__“ @ nicolemhardim via #WWRadio w/ @ katiedalebout_ “We can’t get in touch with who we really are until we know what’s going on in our bodies.” “Women need to understand what is happening within them in order to live their best lives.” @ nicolemhardim via #WWRadio w/ @ katiedalebout Tip: Eating enough protein & health fat is crucial to hormone health. If you are having issues with your period it is a sign that something