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211 | Deenie Hartzog-Mislock [season finale] on career changes, freelancing, self-care, love & marriage, body image + more!



I'm grateful for my podcast for many reasons but the top one on that list is that it allows me to have long deep conversations with people I admire and ask them whatever I'm curious about the very first time we meet. Plus we get to have that conversation recorded forever like a time capsule of our first friend date. I met today's guest Deenie on the internet this summer and this fall we recording this conversation at my apartment in New York City. We had a cozy Saturday afternoon together where we drank kombucha and chatted nonstop for hours only breaking to pee. When you eavesdrop on that conversation today you'll hear us discuss everything from how she moved to New York from the south to be a dancer and ended up with a career as a copy director and essayist. She's worked for Vogue, written for Refinery 29, and been featured in the acclaimed New York Time's Modern Love column. Our conversation covers much more than merely her career path to becoming a successful writer-- on the  we talk about the uncertainty