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227 | Dr. Frank Lipman on information overload, technology addiction, the importance of meaning for health, and more



I've been following Dr. Lipman for years--I've listened to countless interviews with him and read most articles he's written. In the days where I was overly addicted to wellness I'd scour the internet for the latests health information for hours falling down wormholes on what foods to avoid and super-foods to splurge on. Ironically, when I met Dr. Lipman in his office for this interview we didn't focus our time talking about what foods to avoid but rather we talked about how the healthiest thing we can do for ourselves doesn't have to do with food at all. With over 30 years experience as a medical doctor, he's discovered that when people have meaning in their lives they're often healthier. In this conversation, we talked about his fascinating life of moving from South Africa to the Bronx in the 80s to becoming a a prolific celebrity doctor and author. We also talked about how wellness movement impacts different generations differently and where he sees the future of wellness. Notes from the Show:-Dr. Frank Li