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230 | Loneliness, Manifesting, Body Image, Law-of- Attraction, and Abundance with Jess Lively



I’ve known Jess Lively for years, we both grew up in Michigan, and our paths overlapped there a few years ago. When we were both living there in 2016 we went to go see an Elizabeth Gilbert lecture about her book Big Magic and after over tacos we chatted for hours. Since then Jess has traveled all over the world in her own very Eat Pray Love-esque adventure and her life as changed so much. On that day we were both in an interesting places and I somehow shared with her off hand about Abraham Hicks over lunch, Jess ended up immersing herself in their work and implementing their concepts, along with many other teachers around the concept of law of attraction, manifestation, neuroscience, consciousness, and much more. She has  a unique  skill to distill heady esoteric content into practical terms. Most recently she's taken all of her work and created C-School, a live school in Australia where she now lives but is launching online this week. In this episode we talked about Death, loneliness, fear of not having enou