Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

Work Smarter as an Entrepreneur - (Episode 70)



As a teenager, Scott Lucas knew he wanted to do his own thing. He saw his single-mother struggle, so he decided to help himself. He knew he could do things on his own, be a leader and be self-sufficient. This understanding and mindset has led him to continue to do his own thing as an adult and Scott now runs his own business: Scott Lucas Strategies.The Value of HonestyScott thinks honesty is a fundamental aspect of business and sales. “I wish people would be more honest as an entrepreneur. Tell them straight up. It’s really easy to sell the sexiness and the hype. When you sell that you kind of lie to [clients],” Scott explains. Being upfront and honest is a more effective sales strategy that leads to satisfied customers and can help lay the foundation of a strong and viable business.Work Smarter, Not HarderScott explains that being an entrepreneur is rewarding if you are smart about how you do things. There is value to hard work, but hard work doesn’t always lead to success. Working smart will lead to success