Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

Why You Should Be Bold with Your Business - (Episode 71)



Landon Porter, the self-proclaimed sales gorilla, is back to share more actionable advice on Today’s Business Leaders. Learn more about why Landon walked away from a very profitable sales career to do things his way and how he is helping other entrepreneurs take charge and learn how to make decisions based on value.Working with the Right PeopleLandon literally woke up one day and realized it was time for a change. The first thing he wanted to change was the group of people he chose to be around. “If I don’t like the people that I’m spending my time with, obviously that’s going to affect the rest of my life,” Landon explains.“Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. A lot of people don’t agree with that, and that’s fine. If you’re one of those people who think take the money and deal with the headache and whatever, hey whatever floats your boat,” Landon goes on to say. “I’m not here to change your mind. I’m just here to say, if you don’t like what you have to deal with after you close somebo