Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

How to Master Content to Amplify Your Business - (Episode 75)



Daniel Daines-Hutt essentially became an entrepreneur because he didn’t want to move. This turned out to be a wise and profitable decision as Daniel explains in this episode of Today’s Business Leaders. From designing t-shirts to mastering content creation strategies, Daniel has had an educational and unexpected journey.Finding His WayDaniel is from England but ended up spending a working holiday in New Zealand. He wanted to stay in New Zealand, but due to visa issues, he was going to have to leave. When he discovered that he could stay on if he became an entrepreneur, Daniel formulated a plan.Daniel’s first business was designing and selling t-shirts. His online marketing efforts proved highly effective, and the business grew to the point that Daniel and his partner were having trouble keeping up.Finding a Better WayPeople began to notice just how effective Daniel’s marketing strategies were, so requests for help poured in. Daniel took this opportunity to change things up. He sold the t-shirt business and be