Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

Using Automation to Become an Entrepreneur - (Episode 77)



After years of working as a freelance designer and brander, James Gaffney decided it was time to start his own business. While this was a major decision, it was minor compared to the change James later decided to introduce into his life. James recently took the time to talk with Gabe about his entrepreneurial experiences, the value of resetting his life, branding versus a brand, and more.Becoming an EntrepreneurJames admits that while working as a freelancer was liberating and freeing in many regards, it ultimately held him back. He started thinking about what he wanted to achieve in his life and what his legacy would look like, and he decided it was time to establish his business, Blue Dozen Design. “This is my legacy,” James explains. “What I am building is what I will leave behind. I didn’t want the thing that I leave behind to be lame and boring, and like everything that else everyone is leaving behind. I wanted it to be authentic and a little bit crazy at times, but that’s me.”Life ResetAfter realizing h