The Writer Files: Writing, Productivity, Creativity, And Neuroscience

How Neuroscientist Michael Grybko Defines Empathy



Have you ever wondered why great writing creates an emotional response in readers? Welcome to another guest segment where I pick the brain of a neuroscientist. Research scientist Michael Grybko — of the Department of Psychology at the University of Washington — returned to the show to help me define empathy from a scientific standpoint. Mr. Grybko sheds some light into the darker corners of our understanding of how to tap into the hopes, dreams, and fears of your readers. In this file Michael Grybko and I discuss: How Science is Changing Our Definition of Empathy Why Pathos is a Good Jumping Off Place for Writers What Actors and Doctors Have in Common with Writers Are Mirror Systems the Key to Human Empathy? How to Resist the Dark Side of Empathy The Difference Between Good Storytelling and Great Storytelling Why Writers Need to Crawl Inside the Heads of Their Audience How Marketers Tap into Well-Worn Paths in Our Brains The Key to Empathizing with Your Readers Why Great Marketing Starts with the De