The Writer Files: Writing, Productivity, Creativity, And Neuroscience

How Bestselling Author Austin Kleon Writes: Part Two



New York Times bestselling author Austin Kleon has been called one of the most interesting people on the Internet by The Atlantic Magazine, and he stopped by The Writer Files to chat with me about creativity and the writing life. Austin is the author of three illustrated books — Steal Like An Artist, Newspaper Blackout, and Show Your Work! — guides I recommend to all writers seeking insights for tapping into your endless reserves of creativity and innovation. In addition to being featured on NPR s Morning Edition, PBS Newshour, and The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Kleon speaks about creativity in the digital age for organizations as varied as Pixar, Google, SXSW, TEDx, and The Economist. In the second part of this two-part file, Austin Kleon and I discuss: Is “Imagination” Overrated? A Simpler Definition of Creativity Why You Should Write for Just One Person How Minimizing Distractions Can Help Your Creativity Why Your Audience Is Your Most Valuable Asset Is Being Boring the Key to Productivity? The Import