Judy Croon

Just Another Mindful Monday - 'Abundance:The Future Is Better Than You Think'



Hi there, I'm Judy Croon. Welcome to another episode of 'Laugh Long and Prosper' – Shelf Help with a dash of humour when appropriate. I believe that humour is one of our best coping mechanisms-especially when we are facing stress and unknown times like Covid. Today is Monday. That’s means it’s time for 'Just Another Mindful Monday'. I read a book recently, that made me feel just a little bit more peaceful…mindful shall we say. The book is called Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think by Peter H Diamandis. In a nutshell, this book gave me hope that the world is not going to hell in a hand basket. In fact, quite the opposite is happening. Unfortunately, fear sells. I blame a lot of this one of my old radio occupations – the news. We tend to live in a world where a lot of bad news is reported every day. Yes, bad things are happening all the time and it’s sad but is there an ulterior motive behind some of those headlines? Let’s face it, bad news sells. There is a reason why Fox made two billion do