Selling The Couch With Melvin Varghese, Ph.d. | Weekly Conversations To Build And Grow Your Counseling Private Practice

173: What is The Immigration Evaluation Process and How to Set Fees And the Systems & Processes For it?



How do the worlds of immigration and LCSW intersect? It may not be a connection that you think of, but the need is there for immigration evaluations to be done, and this is where my guest today has stepped in and found her niche. Cecilia Racine, LCSW, has a private practice in Fairfax, Virginia. Even though she didn’t start out in the immigration field, she came upon this niche through specific circumstances. Today she shares how she got started with her first client and what the immigration evaluation process looks like. She also explains how she sets fees and the systems and processes that she uses most. We will learn how she markets her practice and how you can get started if you’re interested in making immigration evaluations a part of your therapy practice. You can read the full show notes at : Session173 Mentioned in this episode: Today's Sponsor is Turning Point HQ Don't let your own money blocks rob you of your future financial security. Turning Point HQ is a financial planning company specifically