Selling The Couch With Melvin Varghese, Ph.d. | Weekly Conversations To Build And Grow Your Counseling Private Practice

193: ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Training) And How To Incorporate It In Client Conversations



It’s always interesting to learn how clinicians bring themselves into alignment with their deeper purpose and values. When this happens, the clinician will feel greater satisfaction and fulfillment in the work they do. Today’s show is another that focuses on ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Training) as we talk to today’s guest about his experience as he transitioned into private practice. David Teachout is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Seattle, Washington, although he has branched out to a full-service online practice that incorporates acceptance and commitment therapy. We’re discussing his journey and how he transitioned into private practice from community mental health. David shares what it was like for him to take an uncertain leap from something familiar and comfortable, and how he incorporates ACT into his conversations with clients in big and small ways. David also tells about starting his online counseling practice and how that aligns perfectly with his values. You can read the full show note