Amos 3:7 A Love Of The Truth

"What's Coming?" John Haller's Prophecy Update Podcast



Wow. There is so much going on in the world, where do we start? The corrupted American election? Penalties for those who would biblically counsel someone about their sexuality? The increasing boldness and war drum beating from Iran? How about the Covid-19 vaccines that seem to be everywhere, yet nowhere, at the same time. While we do not know "What's Coming," we can rest assured that God not only knows about it, but He has prepared for it. While the world looks for answers, God waits patiently for people to come to Him. But while His patience is longstanding, He will not endure the world and its multi-fronted transgressions and at some point, the clock will run out and the final sides will be chosen. comforted. No matter how bad it seems to be getting, it is nothing compared to the judgment He will bring on a world full of mockers and deniers once His bride is safely at His side. While we cannot know that time, we do know that it will all be according to His plan.Thank you for y