The Mentee Podcast

S5E2: Reflections on Tony Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within



If you've been to several retreats, you're probably familiar with the emotional high that you get from attending them. You leave the event feeling on fire. Then that fire fades over time as the mundane schedules of life set in. But just because the intensity of your fire is fading doesn't mean you're failing. It doesn't mean that you're not succeeding or you're off course. And so, my goal for this episode is to help you hold on to that mindset. Today, I’m sharing some reflections on my first ever Tony Robbins event called Unleash the Power Within. It’s amazing how those people who attended the event were surrounded by empathetic witnesses – all in alignment with the same goal of getting in a peak state and unleashing the power within.  Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Goal setting and strengthening your relationship with your goals Creating a compelling vision of your future Creating the right habits Changing your environment The shape of success Celebrating the gains Revisiting a